Implementing PMBR – getting it right
Proactive Management-based Regulation (PMBR) is the term used to describe regulatory measures or other programs that are designed to strengthen ethical practices by lawyers and subsequently reduce rates of client complaints, disciplinary actions, and malpractice claims. The overall goal of PMBR is therefore to shift the emphasis of law regulation from… [download paper]
International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR.net) Standpoint feature article – Harnessing data to advance evidence-based regulation
By now everyone is familiar with the wave of “big data” that is invading nearly every aspect of private and public life.There are “recommendation engines” implemented by companies trying to sell to us, “nudge” units in governments prompting us to pay taxes, and exercise and sleep trackers combatting our poor habits. Legal regulators have always…
Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel – AvvyPro Use Case
The Colorado Supreme Court’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, led at the time by recently retired James Coyle, embarked in 2015 on an exciting initiative to create the nation’s first online lawyer self-assessment program. The development of the program’s core content involved more than 50 lawyers and several lay people, spanning… Colorado Supreme Court Office…
Towards an Evidence-based Policy Approach for Law Regulation – white paper
Law regulation is a mix of legislative and regulatory requirements, policy rules, professional ethics and best practices. Navigating this complex landscape is a challenge for regulators, law firms and individual attorneys. The system has evolved over time in response to…
Proactive Legal Regulation – Standpoint Review of Global Initiatives and Findings 2014
Traditionally, lawyer regulation has been “reactive” and individualistic – that is, regulators respond to ex post concerns about individual practitioners. Proactive regulation, on the other hand, involves the institutional or organizational context in which lawyers practice, and identifies and addresses potential gaps before they materialize into problems. While there has been some…